Thursday, November 20, 2008

[News] USSCM CHECKITOUT¡(sm) Friday, November 21, 2008

[News] USSCM CHECKITOUT¡(sm) Friday, November 21, 2008

We apologize for the bad link on 11-19, a most inspiring video.

So one day, Bill Leavitt called me into his office at Berklee and said I want you to hear something.

When I got there, I found this 13 year old kid with a Travis Bean aluminum guitar. I seem to remember that he had it over his shoulder or on his lap and was tapping jazz solos with his right hand and comping with his left.

He was already really good. I heard him again over the years a few times, always playing alone; he didn't seem to be able to play with others.

Well, as this video attests, he's left that problem behind!
(CHECKITOUT! is a service of US School of Commercial Music, the one and only online college for the worldwide study of contemporary music. Each mailing features an astounding, inspiring musical tidbit.)

"Master Music At Home(TM)"

Professor John Amaral, Director
US School of Commercial Music

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